Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Taking The Conversation "Public".

These first few entries are copied from Facebook and emails in an effort to keep the thought stream together.  I've left the comments that I think specifically add to the discussion, and substituted initials for names.  If you recognize a comment of yours and don't want it here, please let me know and I'll remove it asap.

Facebook post:
Possible indirect overshare: whichever woman said the 40s are the best obviously hit menopause late.
Seriously, fuck this shit.

  • J.B.:  testify sister. pass the hormones.
  • M.S.:  I'm peri. Just [went to] my substitute doc yesterday to talk about night sweats. Meh.
  • A.C.: I'm just a bitch.
  • L.A.:  HRT is my very bestest friend.
  • Susanne: Night sweats! OMG! I totally have been having those and didn't put it together. I'll add that to my current collection of symptoms: anxiety attacks, deep sad mental holes, & crying anytime anywhere. Reverse puberty is SO much fun.
  • Susanne: HRT - I've just started on a low dose cream; we'll see.
  • Y.S.: I am so there  I have reduced swimming pools occurring on my back by taking black cohosh. The crazy mood thing is so frickin challenging. Cohosh seems to be helping that, too, but the dark and angry places I go are such foreign territory to me. Not knowing when, if, or how much your cycle will be has wreaked havoc on my life. Grrrr!!!! Get offa my lawn you kids!
  • L.A.:I don't think my mood swings were *that* bad (maybe ask my husband) but the night sweats were really hard on me. The worst, the very worst, was that not only did my libido disappear, sex became increasingly painful. I might have tried to put up with the rest, but I found the complete destruction of my sex life to be intolerable. Screw that noise.
  • Y.S.: My mood has been shitty enough it drives away the sex partners  Actually, I am so cranky I decide to not subject the world to my "state of being". I did have a few people tell me that my crankiness was hot, though. Go figure...
  • K.V.:  Reading all of this REALLY makes me think that I need to make an apt. to talk to a doc about The Big Change. I'm starting to feel a lot of these things. It's nice to know I'm not just going crazy.
  • Susanne: I understand the idea of the crone living out in the woods with the plants and animals a little better now. I'm pretty sure that's where I should be for the next 5 to 10 years. Crazy hermit witchy woods lady. I'll come back when I'm sane. We do get sane again at some point, right?? RIGHT??
  • A.G. I hope you find a doctor that will get you to a steady pre-menopausal estrogen level. Having experienced several months of menopause when switching from testosterone to estrogen made the steady hormone levels I have now feel quite great.
  • F.E.:  I'm on HRTs since my hysterectomy and still trying to get dose right. On days that I forgot I am so ill I couldn't imagine how I would survive without them. But at times I still have the mood swings and they are really, really horrible. Hang in there and I hope you find the help you need.
  • Susanne: At the moment it seems that my estrogen levels haven't yet started to drop, just my progesterone - so my estrogen levels are what I'm used to, but its effects aren't balanced by the other, thus the super sad mental holes and crying. When it hits, its like I'm Eeyore crossed with the saddest clown you've ever seen, plus there is a grey rain cloud sitting in my head and raining on me.

  • C.G.:  Maybe speaking as a guy here may not best thing ever or just might be useless altogether. (Keep your jokes to yourself). I haven't quite reached the point of no return, but the freedom of not being ruled by your hormones is probably the best thing that ever happened to me. The decisions I make are more personal/spiritual. You couldn't pay me to be 18 again. You girls are awesome! And I know this because i see you for who you are. Not because I'm hungry.
  • M.S.:  I haven't gotten to HRT yet. My doc prescribed a black cohosh/Chinese herb mix, reduce spicy foods and caffeine. But what has been most interesting - and seems to be helping already - is ending every shower with cold water to reduce my body temp. I've started taking a quick shower before bed ending it with cold water. I can only do so long but should eventually work my way up to 30 seconds and very cold. I've been taking 5htp for years to deal with anxiety, so that's not new.

  • C.A.:  Bio identical hormones

  • Susanne: C.A. - I'm happy to say the HRT my doc has started me on is low dose progesterone, not progestin.
  • C.A.:  I like that bio identical are made from yams.
  • I.B.:  I find this discussion terrifying. My mother had it so bad, also simultaneously raising teenagers. Glad I won't have to do the latter.
  • Susanne: Ya, looking back now I realize my mom went through menopause while battling cancer. I can't imagine having to deal with cancer, radiation, & chemo while also dealing with all of this. I understand what I saw her go through much better now - and fuuuuck that!
  • K.C.: Aw. Ouch. I think also for some types of female cancers, the docs force menopause (with hormone suppressors) to help keep the cancer at bay...
  • A.D.: My mom was a smoker, so she got it early, and bad, complete with sores in her mouth. I'm thankful I quit smoking at 18.
  • R.E.: I hear vitamin E helps with hot flashes and night sweats. But some of those symptoms could also be from low thyroid levels, ladies. Please make sure your doc check that out too, before deciding you are menopausal.

  • R.W.: I have been going through "all" of this shit since 1996, and still going through it! Fucking compliments of chemotherapy, threw me into early menopause at 33! Can you imagine...? 33 and your body has no control over itself? Its been a long...long...road, and still more road to travel  I wish there was something I could say...some wisdom...? Sorry...

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